“He’s Still Rolling Stones”
An Easter Sunday Live Feed
From The Sanctuary

“He’s Still Rolling Stones”
An Easter Sunday Live Feed
From The Sanctuary
Hello Sanctuary people! On Easter morning at 11 we invite you to join in on a live feed worship celebration streamed on our Facebook page. We encourage you to stay at home in the comfort of your sweats with a cup of coffee and invite others to join in as well, the church doors will not be open for attendance due to self-quarantine. We hope that you’ll log in and celebrate that he is risen and still rolling stones!
Church isn’t something you can cancel, because the church is people. Even though we’re not gathering in-person as a church, and our ministries that you’re involved in have been suspended, the physical needs of the church still go on. We still have the tangible opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others inside and outside our four walls by making a phone call to say, “What’s up?!!” or by sending a greeting card, text, or email.
Just to remind you again, another way is by sending your tithes and offerings by mail to the church as some are doing. If you have a key, you may slip it inside the treasurer’s box in the office. We also now have set up PayPal and Venmo on the sight for your convenience. Now, you know me, from time to time I need to be reminded that I’ve forgotten to take the offering on a Sunday morning. Also, you’ve heard it said on more than one occasion that people are the most important thing to God, true that. Yet it also takes our finances to continue to be effective in reaching them. Please prayerfully consider giving what you’re able to in faithfulness while the church doors are temporarily closed.
Even though our world has changed, the power of God hasn’t. Our hope in Jesus has not changed. Our mission as a church has not changed, let us not give in to fear. Rather, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, the author, and the perfecter of our faith. Oh, and join in on Easter Sunday of course.
In Christ,